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What topics we should know in JavaScript before learning Frameworks / Libraries?

If you’re confused or don’t have any idea what to learn in JavaScript before learning framework or library then this post is especially dedicated to all of you who are willing to know.
Learn the language first before Start to engaging in that language. I mean that you can’t type the JS code with understanding unless you don’t know the JavaScript language at first. Now, the question is: why we should learn the language at first before learning Frameworks or Libraries directly? Let me tell you the Core building blocks of Frameworks/Libraries. If Someone is learning a framework or library without having the practice of that programming language then it’s one of the worst approach of learning curve.Nobody recommend you to learn the tool directly before learning how the tool is made.The frameworks/libraries is build with programming language.That’s why it’s worth to learn,understand,practice & create projects with that programming language.

Similarly,In the case of JavaScript frameworks & libraries,first we should learn vanilla(pure) JS with proper understanding & practice.As I said, frameworks are made by using programming concept.
The History of Javascript Journey is so long.We have so many versions of JS throughout the time in terms of syntax format,features & securities.The cool thing is that most of the JS frameworks/libraries is build on the top of ES_6 version because we have so many changes in terms of syntax format.All the frameworks/libraries use Modules(chunks of code).Modules is one of the core building blocks of frameworks/libraries.Without modules there will be no JS frameworks/libraries.
Below are the list of topics given:

JavaScript Fundamentals

*A Brief History
*How JS works?
*Data types (primitive)
*var vs let vs Const
*Array & Object
*Maps & Set
*if-else statement
*Null vs Undefined
*== vs ===

DOM Manipulation(Basics)

*Window Object(top level object)
*Document Object
-url,title,doctype,head,body,all,text content,forms,links,images
-querySelector & querySelectorAll
*Styling DOM
*Creating & adding Text
*Node Hierarchy
-parent element
-child node
-first element child
-last child
-next sibling
-key events
-mouse events
-event listener
-timing events

ES_6 topics

*Template Literals(Template Strings)
-string interpolation(string substitution)
-multiple strings
-tagged templates

*Iteration through array & objects
-for loop
-for each loop
-for of & for in loop(optional)

*Type conversion
-3 rules for conversion

*Arrow Function
-ES_5 function vs ES_6 way of writing function
-scope & ”lexical this”
*Spread Operator & Rest Parameter
*High Order Array function
-for each()


*Spread Operator & Rest Parameter 

*High Order Array function
-for each()

*Vanilla ES_6 Modules (Just understand how it works)
-Import and Export
-What is Babel & Webpack?
-Try to make demo project with Vanilla(pure) ES_6 Modules

*ES_6 Classes
-Structuring a class
-methods & properties
-extending classes

*Concept of Vanilla Web Components (Optional but recommended)
-web components
-specification: Custom Element,Shadow DOM,HTML Templates,HTML Imports

*Understand prop & state

*Asynchronous(Async) Programming
Syntax of promise
.then() & .catch()
Fetch API

*npm(node package manager) basics

At first,I would highly recommend to learn & practice without html and css.
That’s it.Want to know more about JavaScript(JS) language click on JS :JS
Till then enjoy your day as you want.

Follow me on Facebook: Ali Dhuniya

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